Take a look at a selection of my recent projects, which highlight my expertise across a range of areas. From innovative solutions to complex problems to optimizing processes for efficiency, each project reflects my commitment to delivering high-quality results. These works showcase not only my technical skills but also my ability to think strategically and creatively to meet diverse challenges.

Services: AWS EKS, ECR, GitHub Actions, Grafana Loki Observation tool, Helm, Pritunl VPN

Online Sports Community Platform

Developed an online sports community platform leveraging AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) and ECR (Elastic Container Registry) for container orchestration and storage.

Implemented GitHub Actions for continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) to automate the deployment of a Java application on EKS.

Deployed a stateful MongoDB database within the EKS environment using Helm charts, ensuring scalability and persistence.

Configured Pritunl VPN to provide secure access to internal resources, enhancing the platform's security.

Integrated Grafana Loki as the observation tool to monitor system logs and performance, ensuring reliable operation and quick issue detection.


Services: Azure DevOps, Docker, Terraform, AKS, Helm

Automated Deployment of Node.js Web App on AKS

This project automates the deployment of a Node.js web application using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

An Azure DevOps pipeline builds the application’s container image and pushes it to Azure Container Registry (ACR).

Terraform provisions AKS clusters for development, testing, and production environments.

Finally, the Azure DevOps Release pipeline deploys the application using Helm charts, streamlining the deployment process and enhancing operational efficiency.


Services: Terraform, AKS, K8s-Infracost, K8s-Opencost

Cost Optimization and Monitoring on AKS

This project focused on establishing an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster using Terraform to ensure scalable and reliable infrastructure management.

To enhance cost visibility, K8s-Infracost was implemented, providing detailed insights into the costs associated with running Kubernetes workloads within the AKS environment.

Additionally, K8s-Opencost was evaluated as an alternative tool for cost analysis, offering different perspectives on expenditure.

Both cost analysis tools were integrated into the CI/CD pipeline, enabling real-time monitoring of infrastructure costs during application deployment.

This integration allowed for immediate feedback on cost implications, facilitating proactive management of expenses.

By comparing the results from K8s-Infracost and K8s-Opencost, the team developed effective cost optimization strategies aimed at reducing overall spending while maintaining operational efficiency and performance.


Services: Terraform, GCP GKE, Helm, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana

Log Monitoring Stack Deployment on GCP GKE

In this project, a comprehensive log monitoring solution was deployed on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

Terraform was utilized to provision and manage GKE clusters, ensuring scalable and consistent infrastructure.

Helm was employed to install and manage Kubernetes applications efficiently.

The ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) was set up within the Kubernetes environment, providing a robust solution for collecting, analyzing, and visualizing logs, improving system observability and troubleshooting capabilities.


Services: Terraform, EKS, Pritunl VPN, Helm, GitHub Actions, Traefik Ingress Controller

Secure EKS Deployment with Automated CI/CD

In this project, an Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) cluster was provisioned using Terraform to ensure infrastructure scalability and consistency.

GitHub Actions was integrated for the CI/CD pipeline, automating the build and deployment of a Node.js web application on EKS, complete with semantic versioning to manage application releases.

The Traefik Ingress Controller was configured to handle incoming traffic, including SSL termination for secure communication.

To ensure secure access to the EKS resources, Pritunl VPN was set up, adding an extra layer of security for accessing the infrastructure.
